〈選択物 SENTAKUMONO〉by The Simple Society & Rondade
展 期 ▕ 2016/10/1(六)— 2016/10/16(日)
開 幕 ▕ 2016/10/1(六)15:00
地 點 ▕ 朋 丁 pon ding 2樓
地 址 ▕ 台北市中山區中山北路一段53巷6號
░ 展覽概念 Concept
選取一件台灣的尋常物件,剝除物件本身的功能、意義和背景,是否物件本身的吸引力只不過是來自於物件本身的外觀?若根據這一簡單的規則進行一系列物件的蒐集會是甚麼樣的結果?你所見的物件和你所知的物件之間有什麼不同?有用的物件和無用的物件之間有什麼不同? 我們定義的好物件和壞物件是根據什麼樣的標準?什麼是美?
When a local (Taiwan) mundane object is picked, and its function, identity and background information is deprived, will it be still appealing to people simply because of its outlooking? What will happen if we just follow this simple guidance to do a series object hunting? What is the difference between what you see and what you know? What is the difference between a functional object and an useless item? Based on what standard do we define a good one and a bad one? What is beauty?
Sometimes we can neglect the common expectation of functionality and will suddenly realize that the authentic nature of things is actually beyond our knowledge. The process of selecting and shopping, these actions are actually the inspirations that excite and encourage us to look for answers. The SENTAKUMONO exhibition will present the purity of objects that is upon your intuition and aesthetic on “object selection”. You will have a very fun shopping experience.
░ 提案者 Exhibitors
The Simple Society 是一個位於柏林的設計雙人組,由來自德國的Tilmann Steffen Wendelstein與日本的Miki Kadokura創立,大量參與平面、書籍、產品等設計,作品經常有東西文化融合之風格,近期於東京21_21Design Sight 「雜貨展」參與策展。
The Simple Society is an international multi-disciplinary design office, based in Berlin and Tokyo. Established by Tilmann Steffen Wendelstein and Miki Kadokura.
Rondade 發跡於日本東京, 以探究藝術家隱晦的創作衝動為主,透過不拘泥於特定的表現樣貌與形式來製作與發行作品;近年更以獨立出版商之姿陸續發行了藝術相關刊物,成為沒有特定發表形式框架的廠牌。
RONDADE was established in Tokyo, it explores the artist’s emotion behind the creation. It produces and publishes any kind of product to present the artist without limited way.
░ 開幕講座 Opening talk
開 幕 講 座 ▕ 2016/10/1(六)15:00
░ 展覽策畫 Organizer
Design Issue
DESIGN ISSUE was established in 2013 based in Taiwan, it selects and cooperate with brands which relate between art and design. From exhibition to retail business, it targets to bring original concept to the market.