Shimizu Tomohiro
時間▕ 2016/12/24(六)— 2017/1/22(日)
地點▕ 朋 丁 pon ding 2樓
地址▕ 台北市中山區中山北路一段53巷6號
開幕▕ 2016/12/23(五)19:00
RSVP: hello@pon-ding.com
近期清水智裕獲日本藝術平台TAGBOAT所舉辦的Independet藝術節評審團獎項,此次〈漫遊派 Wanderlust〉於朋丁展出是他首次在台灣的個展,他將來帶來2016年尚未展出的全新油畫與隨筆作品。
Tomohiro Shimizu's art practice always includes a vague and surreal asethetic which sometimes gives people an impression of loneliness. The world created by him can not be specified in any place or time. It's almost as if we stray into an another planet by following his delicate and almost paranoid-like brushstroke. According to the artist, this errie creation is generated by "uncomfortable feelings" from his daily perceiving. For example, he would have forgotten daily events in a twinkling, or he would realize the fragility of justice that he has believed since begining.
Shimizu is born in Iwate, Japan in 1977. Currently living and working in Tokyo. He was a system engineer before he started painting. He received BFA in oil painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2008. Since then he has exhibited in Tokyo, NewYork and Singapore.
He received TAGBOAT Art Fes “Independent2016” (Grand Prix) this year. 〈漫遊派 Wanderlust〉at Pon Ding is his first solo show in Taiwan. He will present new oil paintings and some drawings.
more information will be updated.