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〈Reactive Wall 反應牆〉by artist Mojoko and Shang

Reactive Wall
a sound reactive installation by Mojoko and Shang(SG)

聲音互動裝置 by Mojoko 和 Shang(SG)

░ 展覽 Exhibition information

Date ▕ 2016/9/3(六)— 2016/9/25(日)
Location ▕ 朋 丁 pon ding 3樓
Address ▕ 台北市中山區中山北路一段53巷6號

Opening ▕ 2016/9/2(五)19:00

〈Reactive Wall 〉的素材取自從通俗流行文化,以超過200張的圖像,組成動態數位拼貼。靈感來自於流行文化和媒體的圖像轟炸,這種聲音互動裝置透過大型的投影,使得這些流行的標誌性視覺鮮活了起來。此互動裝置鼓勵參與者在黑暗的空間以大喊、尖叫或口哨來觸發圖形動畫。透過麥克風發出聲音,這件投影裝置將被誘發,產生各式新圖層。程式設計合作者:Shang Liang

藝術家 ▕ Mojoko
程式設計 ▕ Shang Liang
尺寸 ▕ 投影於大型牆面 4x2公尺
媒材 ▕ 程式語言 (電腦圖像編碼)

“Reactive Wall” is a dynamic digital collage of 200+ images taken from pop trash culture. Inspired by the bombardment of images in popular culture and media, this sound reactive installation animates a giant collection of pop iconic visuals via a large scale projection. Visitors are encouraged to shout / scream / whistle in a darkened room to trigger graphic animations. By making sounds through microphones, the artwork will generate new layers of graphic imagery. Programmed in collaboration with Shang Liang.

Artist ▕ Mojoko
Programmer ▕ Shang Liang
Dimensions ▕ To be projected onto large wall 4m x 2m
Media ▕ Processing (computer coded graphics)

░ 關於藝術家 About the artist

Mojoko (aka Steve Lawler) 

出生於伊朗,在香港長大,並在歐洲受教育。 Mojoko(又名Steve Lawler)於2001年在義大利北部Tresviso著名的FABRICA駐村。他在Diesel Headquaters開始了他的互動設計生涯,之後便快速攀升為創意產業藝術家、設計師、藝術總監及創意總監。 身兼 Kult雜誌/畫廊/工作室的創作者之外,他更將觸角延伸至策展、佈展、互動設計及美術。在與世界各地有趣的藝術家、設計師及動畫師合作後,他目前經營一個以Kult為品牌,擁有超過六百位藝術家的網站。

他的藝術作品是垃圾流行文化與老歷史的探究,結合了像是電腦程式、數位雕塑、繪畫與版畫的媒體素材 。他的作品並定期在世界各地的國際機構與獨立畫廊展出。


⊱ 作品網站:
⊱ 由Mojoko所製作的線上雜誌《kult》:

Mojoko (aka Steve Lawler) 

Born in Iran, raised in Hong kong and educated in Europe. Mojoko (aka Steve Lawler) attended the prestigious FABRICA art residency in Treviso, Northern Italy in 2001. Launching his interactive design career at Diesel HQ, he quickly climbed through the creative industry as an artist, designer, art director and Creative Director. Creator of the Kult Magazine, Gallery & Studio. His work has expanded into curation, installation, interactive design and fine art. Having worked some of the most exciting artists, designers and animators around the world, he now operates within a network of over 600 artists under the label Kult.

His artistic work is an exploration of Trash Pop culture colliding with the Old & historical, mixing media such as computer programming, digital sculpture, painting and printmaking. His works have regularly been showcased around the world at International Institutions and independent galleries. 

"Reacting to the bombardment of images of todays visual culture, he reworks and spits out mutations of the glossy pop, advertising world. The work is a reaction to living in Modern Asia. The TV, internet, outdoor advertising culture has influenced every aspect of his work, and his focus is dedicated to learning those tools of Visual Communication in order to subvert them."

⊱ His works can be found on 
⊱ His magazine is free and available through subscription at

本展覽由 Alamak project策劃
Exhibiton presented by Alamak project