Meeting 相遇
時間|2020/10/17 (六) - 2020/11/8 (日)
地點|朋 丁 pon ding 3樓
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〈Meeting〉包含了2015年至2020年在紙上和畫布上的各種作品,其中包括Tea Vessel, Safe Space, Cocooning等系列。
Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck(1990年出生於法國斯特拉斯堡),她是一位畫家和跨領域的創作者,目前於倫敦和法國鄉村阿爾薩斯兩地居住創作。她的創作媒材包涵繪畫、素描、裝置、雕塑、電影、攝影和寫作,作品往往隱含著生態關懷訊息,以溫柔細膩的手法呈現。在她的創作計畫中,環境與其他人事物之間的互動是關鍵的核心。
個展經歷包括了Galerie Jean-Francois Kaiser(法國)的〈Épistolaire Imaginaire – Merci 〉、Nidi Gallery(日本)的〈Take Care – きをつけて〉。 2014年,Johanna 發起了一個藝術家合作項目「Poetic Pastel」,與各領域的藝術家展開合作。2018年,則與友人共同創立了一本刊物 《Journal du Thé – 當代茶文化》,目前已發行至第三刊。
This year meeting might be more challenging, and so for all of us.
Yet, we present ourselves with resourceful and perhaps more gentle manners to encounter and unite, also with our selves.
In 2020, I spent months with no movements other than those of my body in the village where I was born, I was for once rather still, frequently in the garden. It was as if I met this small village in eastern France, where I had spent the first eighteen years of my life, anew, so after living abroad for a decade.
This year is a first for the artworks I created for, without me, freely travel to Taiwan to meet you, awaiting filled with joy for you to meet them, that it is if you have a moment. I hope they will make you smile, and bring some warmth to your heart. Despite my physical absence, my emotional and spiritual presence is held with each brushstroke and every line of paper that I cut and assembled. This is the first time we will meet, thank you for coming.
Meeting presents various works on paper and canvas from 2015 to 2020. Including the series Tea Vessel, Gestures of Love and Cocooning.
About artist
Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck (b.1990, Strasbourg, France) is a painter and interdisciplinary artist working across London (UK) and rural Alsace (France). Her practice composed of painting, drawing, installation, sculpture, film, photography and writing often conceals ecological messages, rendered in soft and delicate methods.
In several of the artist’s projects interaction with the environment and others plays a central role. Solo exhibitions include Épistolaire Imaginaire – Merci at Galerie Jean-Francois Kaiser (France), and Take Care – きをつけ てat Nidi Gallery (Japan). In 2014, Johanna founded the positive and collaborative cultural project Poetic Pastel. In 2018, the artist cofounded the publication series Journal du Thé – Contemporary Tea Culture.