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|工廠 Factory|藝術家陳向榮個展

工廠 Factory


時間|2020.5.22 Fri. – 2020.6.14 Sun.
地點|朋丁 pon ding 3樓
開幕|5.23 Sat. 3-7pm
* 因應政府防疫措施,即日起入店前請務必以放置於門口的酒精消毒雙手,並於店內全程配戴口罩 In order to prevent the spread of viruses, please sanitize your hands and wear the masks all the time.
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此次展覽集合這近半年多以來的創作。這段時間,環境與世界秩序的崩毀,使末日感愈發強烈。2019年末,澳洲失控的森林大火,燃燒範圍大於2.3個台灣面積,從友人 IG 限動上看到火紅的天空與他駕車逃亡的片刻; 緊接著肺炎病毒的全球爆發,世界的運轉似乎就此停擺。



❍ 關於藝術家



This exhibition brings together my creations from the past six months. During this time, the collapse of the environment and the world order as we knew it has created a sense of impending doom that is growing ever more intense. Around the end of 2019, Australia’s bushfires destroyed an area 2.3 times the size of Taiwan. On a friend’s Instagram, I could see the blood-red sky and watched in real time as he was forced to flee his home. Immediately after the fires, the global outbreak of the coronavirus seemingly stopped the whole world in its tracks.

"The world is going to be destroyed anyway, why should I keep making art?" This question kept popping up in the back of my mind.

When the world began to swiftly spin out of control, in my tiny studio of about 80 square feet, I tried to find and establish an order and logic of my own. Sometimes, when I dive into the production process, working according to the rules I set, through continuous repetitive movements, it almost seems like a production line in a factory. Sometimes, during the construction of different elements, I experiment with the logic and possibilities of various different combinations. Although all pieces are made by my own two hands, I also strive to pursue the rationality and precision of industrial production, with fewer curves and more straight lines. However, human inaccuracy always makes "perfection" feel one step away. I imagine myself as a streamlined machine and, even though the fire and virus are spreading outside, I still try to keep the factory in my heart in operation.

❍ about the artist
Hsian-Jung Chen, a ceramic artist, lives and works in Taipei.