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風與髮型 Wind and the Hairstyle〉蔡安騰個展與新書發表

風與髮型 Wind and the Hairstyle〉蔡安騰個展與新書發表

〈風與髮型 Wind and the Hairstyle〉蔡安騰個展與新書發表

時間|2017/7/13 (四) — 2017/7/30(日)
地點|朋 丁 pon ding 二樓
地址|臺北市中山區中山北路一段53 巷6 號
展覽開幕與新書發表| 2017/7/15 (六) 15:00

我再問他 : 「那這些木材要拿來做甚麼?」




Once I walked into a black block and saw a man chopping the wood.

His motions were in a constant cycle. When his hands were the farthest distance apart, the axe would fall in one smooth motion and the cycle would start all over again. Up, down, up, down. Nothing would interrupt him.

I asked him, "Where did the wood come from?"
He did not answer.

I then asked him, "What are these pieces of wood for?"
Again, He did not answer.

I watched for a while and then I fell asleep.

When woke up, I walked close to him and asked, "Can you tell me how to return?"
There was still not an answer for me.

I wondered, why the splashes of wood dust never hit me.

“Wind and the Hairstyle” is the collection reorganized from the paintings made between 2013 to 2017. This publication has recorded the discovery during the working process so far, which I am grateful to share with you.

_____________________________《Wind and the Hairstyle》preface

░ 蔡安騰 Anteng Tsai
生於1982年, 現居台灣台北
Born in 1982. Now lives and works in Taipei.

個展 Solo exhibition
2017〈風與髮型〉,朋 丁 pon ding,台北
2012〈Uno diez no iqual un dia〉,Salamanca, Spain

獲獎 Awards
2015 專輯 Ima lalu su 共同入圍26屆金曲獎最佳專輯包裝獎
2011 〈Geisai Taiwan第三屆〉奈良美智 賞

出版 Publishing
2017《風與髮型 Wind and the Hairstyle》畫冊
2015 電影〈念念〉 繪畫師
2013《Rolling In The Grass》畫冊

講師 Lecture
2012 I.B. Francisco Salinas 短期美術講師,西班牙


〈閒暇者的忙碌凝視 The Idler's Hasty Gaze〉陳純虹 Eszter Chen 個展

〈閒暇者的忙碌凝視 The Idler's Hasty Gaze〉陳純虹 Eszter Chen 個展

