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A collaborative platform for art, books and pop-up events.…and a coffee bar.


|小葉欖仁 madagascar almond|藝術家絲巾品牌發佈會

|小葉欖仁 madagascar almond|藝術家絲巾品牌發佈會

小葉欖仁 madagascar almond

時間|2020.4.11 Sat. – 2020.4.19 Sun.
地點|朋丁 pon ding 3樓
開幕|2020. 4.11 Sat. 4pm

* 因應政府防疫措施,即日起入店前請務必以放置於門口的酒精消毒雙手,並於店內全程配戴口罩 In order to prevent the spread of viruses, please sanitize your hands and wear the masks all the time.





⊱ 絲巾作品 The scarfs

龔寶稜 | Not for nothing 不是漫無目的 |
真絲 50x50cm / 100x100cm

常羽辰 | 用我 Use Me |
真絲喬其紗 100x100cm

李泳翔 | 破曉(三輛馬車)Daybreak (Three Horse Wagons) |
真絲 50x50cm / 100x100cm

⊱ 藝術家介紹

龔寶稜 Pao-Leng Kung



常羽辰 Yuchen Chang

1989生於中國山西,2011 年畢業於中央美術學院,2013 年畢業於芝加哥藝術學院研究生院,現工作、生活在紐約。她的作品曾在紐約Assembly Room、前波畫廊,舊金山書本藝術中心,北京Salt Project、今日美術館、CAFA美術館,京都市立美術館等機構展出。常羽辰曾在紐約紡織藝術中心和上海香蕉魚書店駐地,目前在紐約藝術與設計博物館的駐地。

李泳翔 Yong Xiang Li

1991生於中國長沙,2011-2014年於倫敦中央聖馬丁學習平面設計及移動影像, 2015年至今於法蘭克福國立藝專(Städelschule)Judith Hopf大師班進修。現工作生活於法蘭克福。作品主要基於繪畫,繪畫性的雕塑,也涉及音樂,影像等。作品曾於北京長征計劃,杜塞爾多夫Aedt, 阿姆斯特丹Root Canal, 清邁painnale,法蘭克福Johanne以及Basis, 維也納Gärtnergasse展出


⊱ About madagascar almond

We are a silk scarf brand using images commissioned by our artists, and we also run a media, releasing four articles for every commissioned artist every two months. The way we interview depends on individual artists and personalities. Apart from the other media, we are more interested in who you are and what you think. We put focus on artists themselves and their silk work.

Regarding silk scarf, we are hoping our readers and collectors can have a deeper understanding of the artists we present when collecting. It is an everyday object as well as an artwork.

A piece of silk gives a unique touch to your outfit and your house. It’s just like a Madagascar Almond that is elegant and approachable.

Through both interview and silk work, we’ll have a close-up look at the artists’ thoughts on their work, life, and their unique personalities for you. Beside, Madagascar Almond is also a common street trees in Taiwan.


⊱ About the artists

龔寶稜Pao-Leng Kung

Born in Taoyuan in 1996, she is currently studying painting at the Royal College of Art. Many of her ideas come from the creative process. Also, tools that are used in the painting process or accidentally discovered by the studio become part of the work. Considering its functionality incompletely, it works and combines them to create a collage in real space like the existence of a painting object.
Pao-Leng said: "I have heard a word that painting is a process of constant regret. If that's true, I will enjoy that kind of regret; otherwise, I will not have the state of thinking burst out.

常羽辰 Yuchen Chang

Yuchen Chang was born in Shanxi, China in 1989. She graduated from the Central Academy Of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 2011and then graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) as a graduate student in 2013. She is now working and living in New York. Her artworks have exhibited at the Assembly Room in New York, the Chambers Fine Art, the International Art Center of San Francisco, the Beijing Salt Project, the Today Art Museum, the CAFA Art Museum, and the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. Yuchen Chang once set the art residences at the Textile Arts Center and the Banana Fish Books, and she currently sets the residence at the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) in New York.

李泳翔 Yong Xiang Li

Yong Xiang Li was born in Changsha, China in 1991. Studied Graphic Design & Moving Image at Central Saint Martins in London form 2011 - 2014. He is currently studying at Klasse Prof. Judith Hopf at the Städelschule. He lives and work in Frankfurt, Germany. His work mostly anchors on painting practice, or sculpture incorporating painting, and he works in music, video and film as well. Yong Xiang Li’s participated in exhibitions at Long March Project in Beijing, Adet in Düsseldorf, Root Canal in Amsterdam, painnale in Chiangmai, Johanne and Basis in Frankfurt, Gärtnergasse in Vienna.

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|The Best is Yet to Come|online exhibition

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