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|DISTORSION 失真|新書發表⁣⁣ by Jack Tezam⁣⁣

《DISTORSION 失真》新書發表⁣⁣
by Jack Tezam⁣⁣

時間|2023.2.3 Fri. - 2.12 Sun.⁣⁣
開幕|2023.2.5 Sun. 2-4pm (藝術家在廊)⁣⁣

自主閉關於地底岩洞 ⁣



“在空無的世界裡,沒有任何事情發生、不會有任何動靜,只有思想存在。在時間之外,是大腦在創造時間。” —— Michel Siffre⁣

❙ 關於藝術家⁣

Jack Tezam 是一位法國藝術家和探險家。⁣
@4thparis (2008) Road Dogs (2010) @croatanedition (2014) 的創始成員。⁣




Experiment of intensive drawing and stationary exploration,⁣
during a month-long voluntary confinement underground,⁣
without time markers.⁣

“In this world of nothingness, where nothing happens, where there is no movement, only thought remains. Out of time, it is the brain that creates time.” —— Michel Siffre⁣

❙ About the artist⁣
Jack Tezam is a French artist and explorer.⁣ Born in the end of the 80s, In the volcanoes mountains of Auvergne, (central France).⁣
Founding Member : @4thparis (2008) Road Dogs (2010) @croatanedition (2014)⁣

In my personal work, I cultivate a strong fascination for exploration in the broad sense. After drawing on the road for several years, I now devote myself to a static and meditative practice of drawing. Through repetitions of the gesture, slowness, isolation and hyper-focusing are means of accessing other worlds. I thus create miniatures in ink and cut-out paper in which I restore my adventures, whether they are lived or imaginary. These landscapes/stories come in fables, superstitions and anecdotes, in a way of conjuring up the passage of time.⁣
