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A collaborative platform for art, books and pop-up events.…and a coffee bar.


|Savage Garden 野人花園 |Tae Parvit

|Savage Garden 野人花園 |Tae Parvit

Savage Garden 野人花園
Tae Parvit

時間|2019/10/11 (五) - 2019/11/10 (日)
地點|朋 丁 pon ding
開幕 opening|2019/10/12 (六) 4:30pm
Tae Parvit 出席
音樂演出 performance - Jay Vatanakuljaras
瑜珈伸展活動 stretching session - Amy yoga

For English please scroll down.

There are things in my garden.
There are things in my house.
These things exist and they’ve lived a life.
And as I watch them dying. I may find myself living in a history.

–– Tae Parvit

以充滿表現力道的速寫塗鴉為人所知,泰國藝術家 Tae Parvit 即將於朋丁舉辦在台首次個展〈Savage Garden 野人花園〉。

此次展覽以俗常物件或日常生活情境作為隱喻,瀟灑地展示生命留下的時間刻痕。Tae Parvit將帶來一系列混合顏料與拾物拼貼的紙上繪畫新作,並依據朋丁二樓和三樓的空間結構,限地完成大型繪畫與錄像雕塑裝置。展覽開幕當日也邀請到為錄像配音的音樂家Jay Vatanakuljaras於朋丁頂樓天台進行演出,並同場加映由瑜珈老師Amy所帶領的頭部肩頸伸展體驗,觀眾可隨時加入。

為了籌備此次個展,今年春天時Tae Parvit曾於台灣短居一個月,「Savage Garden」除了作為他個人的思考與心境狀態,或許也可視為他短暫駐台期間所做出的回應。他的作品除了富含強勁又奔放的塗繪手法,並隨機地拼貼上炭筆線條與舊書報上剪下的圖片,每件作品都有獨立的敘事,彼此之間也透過各種圖像上的線索牽連在一起;彷彿像是線上遊戲或電影螢幕的截圖一樣,為觀眾展示他腦袋中一晃而過的敏捷思緒。展場中各式無機和有機的物件材料彼此交錯,來自無常與恆定的感受不斷變換,他以看似隨心晃蕩、遊戲般的態度進行作畫,但卻扎實地舒緩了每個人生命當中都曾經歷的不確定。

❖ 關於 Tae Parvit(b. 1993 曼谷)

大學時主修傳播與平面設計,在澳洲求學的期間開始使用電腦軟體進行創作,也是在那個時候開始了他最標誌性的人形和花瓶系列。過去他常外出,於墨爾本的街頭壁畫上塗鴉,直到2015年回到泰國,他開始慢慢地離開平面設計的領域,專注於他自身萌發的塗鴉與繪寫方式,近年於曼谷舉行Awkward Relationship(JAM Café, 2016)、Mnusychāti(Speedy Grandma, 2017)、Afternoon Person(BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY, 2018)個展,逐漸展露頭角,並被視為泰國新一代最受期待的藝術家之一。


◆ 本展覽〈Savage Garden 野人花園〉與曼谷的 BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY合作。

◆ 在曼谷,Tae Parvit與友人共同組織了一個名為「Interesting Pictures Colltective」的出版單位,發行各式小誌與印刷作品,此次也將於 草率季 Taipei Art Book Fair 期間,於朋丁的攤位上進行展示。


There are things in my garden.
There are things in my house.
These things exist and they’ve lived a life.
And as I watch them dying. I may find myself living in a history.

–– Tae Parvit

Pon Ding is pleased to announce “Savage Garden”, a solo show by Thai artist Tae Parvit.

Known for his fast drawings and expressive brush strokes, Parvit will present a series of new drawings and paintings collaged with found images as well as a site specific video installation according to Pon Ding’s spatial condition. The new works contain mundane objects or daily life situations that are visually metaphorical expressions develop from the artist to express his perceptions of time and being. On the opening day 12 Oct, the musician Jay Vatanakuljaras who did the soundtrack for the video installation will perform on Pon Ding’s rooftop. The Yoga teacher Amy is also invited to give a free stretching lesson with music.

In preparation for this solo exhibition, Parvit stayed in Taiwan for a month residency earlier this year. In addition to his personal thinking and state of mind, "Savage Garden" may also be regarded as a response of his short stay in Taiwan. His powerful and unrestrained paintings along with graphite drawings and collages build its own independent narrative to each of his works. His works are somehow tied together by the clues in the images, as if they were screenshots of online games or movie scenes, show the audience the agile thoughts in his brain.

The various inorganic and organic objects and materials in the exhibition are intertwined with each other, just like the variable and eternal sensations that are constantly fleeting in mind. He paints in a seemingly swaying manner, yet he has solidly eased the uncertainty that everyone might ever face in life.

❖ Tae Parvit (b. 1993 Bangkok)

As a communication design graduate, Tae Parvit started drawing his iconic human figures and flower vases using a computer program since his days studying in Australia. Parvit used to go out and spray paint murals on the streets of Melbourne. After moving back to Thailand in 2015, he slowly turned away from graphic design and continued with his self-taught style of drawing in forms of illustrations incorporated with texts. Recent solo shows include Awkward Relationship at JAM Café (2016) , Mnusychāti at Speedy Grandma (2017), and Afternoon Person (2018) at BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY.

With wide-ranging references drawn from his everyday surroundings and art history received through vintage magazines, knickknacks from flea markets, online streaming music, street fashion, wrestling, video games, conversations he has with peers and his experience of living in a suburban area of Bangkok, he focuses on visually expressing his feelings and emotions by drawing and making art, leaving the formal training behind.

◆ The exhibition “Savage Garden” is a collaboration with BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY in Bangkok.

◆ In Bangkok, Tae Parvit joins an artist collective called “Interesting Pictures Collective”. They create and distribute a variety of zines and prints. During 草率季 Taipei Art Book Fair, these works will be presented at Pon Ding’s table.

|城鄉之間 - The Tale of the Village and the City|Chris van Laak

|城鄉之間 - The Tale of the Village and the City|Chris van Laak

