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A collaborative platform for art, books and pop-up events.…and a coffee bar.


|New Craft|當代製作者的工藝新觀

|New Craft|當代製作者的工藝新觀

Everything was fine, except you.

以 Post Modern Collection(荷蘭)為例

參展人 participating artists:

Job van den Berg
Roosje van Donselaar
Caz Egelie
Diego Faivre
Chris Kabel
Jenna Kaës
Lex Pott
Jólan van der Wiel

時間|2019.11.30 Sat. – 2020.1.5 Sun.
地點|朋丁 pon ding 2樓
It’s all dutch to me.
時間|2019.12.14 Sat.
講者|Showshow Craft 繍繍 文字芸術制作所 主理陳仲揚


因此在這次講座中,將分享 NEW CRAFT 的企劃與視覺設計過程,並延伸更多作品案例,去觀察如荷蘭等國,如何在傳承古老技藝之外,透過材料運用以及觀念技法上的突破,使凋零產業得以重生,甚至進一步超越日常用途,進入個人認同的情感層面當中。


For English please scroll down.


然而,與此同時有越來越多創作者試圖回歸到材質本身,並以從未想像過的方式賦予它們新的樣貌,雖然你可能會感到有些不解但卻也無法對他們說:你不能這樣做。他們的出現彷彿一股足以平衡的新勢力,再一次定義了工藝的新面貌,我們稱之為New Craft(新工藝)。

為了能夠具體談論 New Craft 的發展,我們向來自荷蘭的藝術新興平台 Post Mordern Collection 邀集了八位藝術家的作品進行展出。每一件作品都是令人耳目一新的靈感激發:金屬鏽蝕、3D列印、CNC加工、磁化橡膠、陶與輕質黏土...等等;把速度放慢到足以感受的地步,便能體會到藝術家們在創作當下陷入未知或與困境搏擊的樂趣。不管是材料還是技法,或是兩者的交互作用過程,每件作品都是奠基在現有工藝知識或製程之上的獨立思考,無法被數據化的實驗步驟成就了每一件作品的獨特與故事性。這些不尋常、難以捉摸的新視野讓我們已被社會化的思想逐漸樂觀起來。


此次展出與 Post Modern Collection 合作,概念由朋丁提出。

● 關於Post Modern Collection

A growing collection of small masterpieces, created by emerging and established artists.

正在成長中的收藏計畫,由來自荷蘭的 Woes van Haaften 與 Roosje van Donselaar 共同創辦。以製作「明信片尺寸」的藝術品為前提,邀請當代新興或知名的藝術家/設計師進行系列創作。在受到侷限的創作範圍中,要如何運用材料與技法講述自己的故事,這考驗了每一位創作者的思維和工作方式。在這些創作物誕生的同時,也透過每一位「當代製作者」的廣博心智累積我們對於物件的嶄新視野。

另一方面,Post Moden Collection 也希望透過這些體積小而價格親切的作品拉近大眾與「藝術品」間的距離,使一般大眾也能以親近的眼光去欣賞並擁有喜愛之作,讓每個人都能名副其實地成為一位收藏家:「Yes, you are a collector now!」也是他們對於你邁出腳步的肯定。

* 所有作品皆為創作者為 Post Modern Collection 的獨家限定創作。



Retracing human history, all kinds of inventions and creations have made today’s life convenient and complete. Various craft technologies are widely used in life for benefit-oriented purposes.

Certain material best fits in certain production is just like an undoubted principle deeply inserted in our minds.

This kind of “the best proper way” thinking leads us to plain mindset and continuous duplication, which emphasizes pricing-efficiency and functionality and keeps us away from discovering the essence of materials, meanwhile neglecting the infinity of possibilities.

Nevertheless, we found that more and more creators try to return to the substance of materials with innovative ways in new forms beyond our imagination. Though you may be a little confused but you can’t tell them “You can’t do this”. Their appearance is like a new force to balance the old, and they define the new form of craftmanship, so as we called “New Craft”.

In order to be able to discuss specifically about the development of New Craft, we presented 8 artists’ works which are invited by an emerging platform called “Post Modern Collection” in the Netherlands. Each and every work is a refreshing inspiration of adopting rust metal, 3D printing, CNC process, magnetic rubber, pottery and light clay...etc. By slowing down enough to feel, you can realize how the artists fall into the unknown and fight with the dilemma in the process of creation.

Whether it's material or technique, or the interaction between the two, each piece is an independent reflection based on and beyond existing knowledge and operating processes.
The experimental steps that cannot be digitized make each work unique and original. Those unusual and elusive new perspectives make our socialized thinking gradually more optimistic.

If we can live in more sensational status, how would you feel bored to things around you? Humans have a changeable appearances and personalities, so as objects. If you would take away the preconceived of passive thoughts, everything would be fine.

This exhibition is a collaboration with Post Modern Collection, concept proposed by Pon Ding.

● About Post Modern Collection

A growing collection of small masterpieces, created by emerging and established artists. The Post Modern Collection is founded by Woes van Haaften & Roosje van Donselaar.

Under the premise of making "postcard-sized" artwork, Post Modern Collection invites contemporary emerging and established artists/designers to create a series of artistic works. In a compact measurement of a postcard, how to use the materials and craft techniques to tell the stories challenge artists to think and work differently. As the artworks are made and presented, people at the same time could accumulate new vision of objects through the brainstorm of every "contemporary makers".

In addition, Post Modern Collection also hopes to bring the public and the “art” closer through these small and affordable artworks and to trigger the general public to appreciate art and collect artworks more easily so that everyone can truly become a collector. "Yes, you are a collector now!" is also an affirmative for your stepping.

* All works are created as exclusive creation by the artists for Post Modern Collection.


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